For this project we had to make traffic lights and a program that makes the lights run. We had to use green, yellow and red L.E.D lights. First we made a power source, Then we added the buffer. Next, we added the three L.E.D lights and resistors. We also made a program which makes the lights go in correct sequence with appropriate delays. We connected a parallel port wire to the buffer and then the buffer sends the sequence to the lights. Then we had to make a report to say what we did. This project used mostly all of what we had learned the whole year to make.
We also learned about resistors in this year. Resistors reduce the amount of voltage going into a device so there is no over heating. We learned how to recognize the amount of resistance in the resistor. We learned how to use them on the breadboard to complete an assignment and many more things. To learn more about the resistor, go to the Resistors page of this website.
After the Logic Gates we learned about the two bit adder and it`s functions. We also used the two bit adder to do assignments. This was really important for us to learn also because sometimes we have to use this in real life situations. The two bit adder consists of logic gates and carries. This is one application which uses binary numbers and logic gates. More information of the two bit adder is on the Two Bit Adder page in this website.

Some of the recent stuff we did was learn about logic gates. For example NOT OR  and AND gate. This was important for our learning because we had to do assignments which used Logic gates and we knew exactly what to do. More information on the gates is on the page LOGIC GATES in this website.

After we learned how to convert from binary to decimal and vice versa, we learned how to do math with binary numbers. When you learn the basics, it will be easy to do bigger problems. For example 1+0=1, 1=1=1, 1+1+1=1r1 and etc. We also learned how to do binary multiplication and division. This was really easy because we knew the basics and it helped us all along the bigger problems. There are many examples on the page Binary Mathematics.
One of the first things we learned in this class are how to deal with binary numbers. We learned how to convert them from binary to decimal and vice- versa. To convert from decimal to binary we need to divide the number by two and count the remainders. If there is a remainder you put one and if there is not a remainder you put 0. At the end you read from the bottom to up of the remainders and you have your binary number. To convert from binary to decimal, you have to make a table with two rows and the columns are supposed to be how long your binary number is. You plug in your binary number in the bottom row. Next, in the top row you start with one and you start doubling on every column. Then you cross out the ones with 0 and you add the numbers that are on top of the 1`s. When you have added the numbers, you have your final answer as a decimal.
In this year we also learned about network topology. There are mainly three different types of networks. Ring, Star and bus. These networks are connected to a Local Area network (LAN) or a Wide area Network (WAN). Information in the networks travel in packets and have different codes. There are also many different networking devices such as Hub, Router and Modem which help you connect to the internet. There are also many different cables such as an Ethernet cable, Coaxial cable and Fibre optic cable. The Fibre optic cable lets the signals travel the fastest.
One of the first assignments we did was about the hardware. We had to take all components of the computer and categorize them and explain the function of them. For example Inputs: For the input there are mouses and keyboards which are connected by cables to ports. Inputs give commands to the computer to make it do stuff. 
In this year we learned a lot about hardware. A really useful component of the computer are it's ports. We use the ports to connect mouses, keyboards, speakers and many more to the computers. One of the most common port we use is the USB port. Another type of port we use is the PS2 port, the serial port and the parallel port. The parallel port allows us to make programs so we could connect them on the breadboard.These ports are really useful because they allow us to input commands into the computer.


    My name is Umar Riaz. i was born on June 27 1997 in Pakistan. I am currently a student at Woburn Collegiate Institute.


    May 2013

